
Fitness & Physical Health |
Please select from the 48 categories below

- Optometrists
- Auricular Medicine
- Acupressurists
List of Muskoka Acupressurists located in: Lake of Bays, Huntsville, Bracebridge, Gravenhurst, Muskoka Lakes and Georgian Bay, Ontario.
- Acupuncturists
List of Muskoka Acupuncturists located in: Lake of Bays, Huntsville, Bracebridge, Gravenhurst, Muskoka Lakes and Georgian Bay, Ontario.
- Audiologists
- Registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner
- Chiropodists
List of Muskoka Chiropodists located in: Lake of Bays, Huntsville, Bracebridge, Gravenhurst, Muskoka Lakes and Georgian Bay, Ontario.
- Chiropractic / Chiropractors
List of Muskoka Chiropractors located in: Lake of Bays, Huntsville, Bracebridge, Gravenhurst, Muskoka Lakes and Georgian Bay, Ontario.
- Cranio-Sacral Therapy
List of Muskoka Cranio-Sacral Therapy practitioners located in: Lake of Bays, Huntsville, Bracebridge, Gravenhurst, Muskoka Lakes and Georgian Bay, Ontario.
- Dance
List of Muskoka dance instructors and locations in: Lake of Bays, Huntsville, Bracebridge, Gravenhurst, Muskoka Lakes and Georgian Bay, Ontario.
- Dental / Dentists
List of Muskoka Dentists and Dental practitioners located in: Lake of Bays, Huntsville, Bracebridge, Gravenhurst, Muskoka Lakes and Georgian Bay, Ontario.
- Detoxification
List of Muskoka Detoxification services and practitioners located in: Lake of Bays, Huntsville, Bracebridge, Gravenhurst, Muskoka Lakes and Georgian Bay, Ontario.
- Diabetes
List of Muskoka Diabetes services and practitioners located in: Lake of Bays, Huntsville, Bracebridge, Gravenhurst, Muskoka Lakes and Georgian Bay, Ontario.
- Diabetic Footcare
- Dietitians and Nutritionists
List of Muskoka Dietitians and Nutritionists services and practitioners located in: Lake of Bays, Huntsville, Bracebridge, Gravenhurst, Muskoka Lakes and Georgian Bay, Ontario.
- Electrolysis
- Fitness Clubs
List of Muskoka Fitness Clubs located in: Lake of Bays, Huntsville, Bracebridge, Gravenhurst, Muskoka Lakes and Georgian Bay, Ontario.
- Footcare
- Gymnastics
List of Muskoka Gymnastics Clubs and practitioners located in: Lake of Bays, Huntsville, Bracebridge, Gravenhurst, Muskoka Lakes and Georgian Bay, Ontario.
- Health Foods
List of Muskoka Health Food Stores located in: Lake of Bays, Huntsville, Bracebridge, Gravenhurst, Muskoka Lakes and Georgian Bay, Ontario.
- Health Spa
List of Muskoka Health Spas located in: Lake of Bays, Huntsville, Bracebridge, Gravenhurst, Muskoka Lakes and Georgian Bay, Ontario
- Holistic Health Services
List of Muskoka Holistic Health Services and practitioners located in: Lake of Bays, Huntsville, Bracebridge, Gravenhurst, Muskoka Lakes and Georgian Bay, Ontario.
- Home Health Services and Supplies
List of Muskoka Home Health Services and Supplies located in: Lake of Bays, Huntsville, Bracebridge, Gravenhurst, Muskoka Lakes and Georgian Bay, Ontario.
- Home Support Services
- Homeopathy / Homeopathic
List of Muskoka Homeopathic practitioners located in: Lake of Bays, Huntsville, Bracebridge, Gravenhurst, Muskoka Lakes and Georgian Bay, Ontario.
- Hormone Therapy
- Hospitals
List of Muskoka Hospitals located in: Lake of Bays, Huntsville, Bracebridge, Gravenhurst, Muskoka Lakes and Georgian Bay, Ontario
- Laser Therapy
- Martial Arts
List of Muskoka Martial Arts (karate, judo, kick boxing, tai chi) practitioners and locations in: Lake of Bays, Huntsville, Bracebridge, Gravenhurst, Muskoka Lakes and Georgian Bay, Ontario
- Massage
List of Muskoka Massage Clinics and Practitioners located in: Lake of Bays, Huntsville, Bracebridge, Gravenhurst, Muskoka Lakes and Georgian Bay, Ontario.
- Menopause Health Coaching
- Naturopathy
List of Muskoka Naturopathy Practitioners located in: Lake of Bays, Huntsville, Bracebridge, Gravenhurst, Muskoka Lakes and Georgian Bay, Ontario.
- Non Profit & Resources
Non Profit and Resources - Typical would be heart and cancer research groups and government organizations. No Charge for extended.
- Orthotics
- Personal Support Services
- Personal Trainer
List of Muskoka Personal Trainers located in: Lake of Bays, Huntsville, Bracebridge, Gravenhurst, Muskoka Lakes and Georgian Bay, Ontario.
- Physicians and Surgeons (Doctors)
List of Muskoka Doctors (Physicians and Surgeons) located in: Lake of Bays, Huntsville, Bracebridge, Gravenhurst, Muskoka Lakes and Georgian Bay, Ontario.
- Physiotherapy
List of Muskoka Physiotherapy Services and Physiotherapists located in: Lake of Bays, Huntsville, Bracebridge, Gravenhurst, Muskoka Lakes and Georgian Bay, Ontario.
- Pilates
- Pregnancy / Childbirth Support
- Reflexology
List of Muskoka Reflexology practitioners located in: Lake of Bays, Huntsville, Bracebridge, Gravenhurst, Muskoka Lakes and Georgian Bay, Ontario.
- Registered Nurses
- Registered Practical Nurses
- Reiki
List of Muskoka Reiki practitioners located in: Lake of Bays, Huntsville, Bracebridge, Gravenhurst, Muskoka Lakes and Georgian Bay, Ontario.
- Skin Care
List of Muskoka Skin Care practitioners located in: Lake of Bays, Huntsville, Bracebridge, Gravenhurst, Muskoka Lakes and Georgian Bay, Ontario.
- Therapeutic Touch
List of Muskoka Therapeutic Touch practitioners located in: Lake of Bays, Huntsville, Bracebridge, Gravenhurst, Muskoka Lakes and Georgian Bay, Ontario.
- Weightloss
- Yoga
List of Muskoka Yoga Instructors and Groups in: Lake of Bays, Huntsville, Bracebridge, Gravenhurst, Muskoka Lakes and Georgian Bay, Ontario.